Saturday, December 24, 2016


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In 2016 we introduced new bikes, new products, new services and new faces. We scheduled holiday rides, rides with cookouts, ice cream rides and post-ride get togethers. The joy of riding a bike was experienced by cyclist throughout the area in our Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday group rides and in our newly added spin classes. We cherished time spent with old friends and made some new ones.

Thanks to a team of hard workers, family, supporters, sponsor and friends 2016 brought change and growth to Bixby Bicycles and Accessories. Our Women’s Repair Class, Summer Time Trials and Hotter-N-Hell tour were big successes. Bixby Bicycles cyclist were seen riding in the Oklahoma State Time Trials, Tour de Cure, the Oklahoma State Road Race, Tour de Tulsa, Tulsa Tough, and one of our own made the cover of Rocky Mountain Cyclists Magazine. Bixby Bicycle Works riders sponsored by Nelson Mazda brought home first, second and third place wins and concentrating on the health, safety and welfare of our clients, in September we introduced BIKEFIT to the cycling community.

The year culminated with a Black Friday Sale, 12 Days of Christmas Specials and our annual Christmas Party. Always looking for new and creative ways to serve the cycling community, and thanks to a team of professionally trained technicians, we added Certified Refurbished (Pre-Owned) Hybrids, BMX and Comfort bikes at marked-down prices.

I want to take this time to thank everyone who contributed toward the success of Bixby Bicycles and the cycling community we continue to build and serve. My staff and I enjoy serving your cycling needs and appreciate the business, comradery and referrals we receive. Know that your satisfaction with our merchandise is our top priority. Doing business with you, riding with you and receiving your support, reviews and expressions of appreciation has truly been a pleasure. Thank you for trusting us to be your source for top quality bicycles and bicycle accessories.  

Have a Safe, Peaceful and Joyous Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year.


Bixby Bicycles & Accessories

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Of the more than two million Americans who die every year heart disease remains the leading cause of death in men and women. The coronary heart disease epidemic began in the 1920s / 1930s in the United States and the United Kingdom. Although the 20th century saw big strides in the fight against heart disease, it remains the number one killer for people of all races, colors and ethnic backgrounds. Most people know bicycling is a great exercise but few realize how effective it is in the fight against heart disease. Cycling is one of the three activities meeting the three criteria of physical exercise; moderation, habit and a life time activity. 

CYCLING is one of the most easily adapted forms of exercise. It can be adapted to ones’ level of fitness, age, community and environment. You don’t have to be a professional rider, mountain bike aficionado or commuter cyclist to reap the benefits. The level of intensity achieved by a novice riding two to four hours a week meets the recommendation for improvement of cardio-respiratory fitness, and evidence shows people who bike as teens and young adults keep cycling throughout their lives.  

Is cycling a strenuous exercise? Yes, it can be for the professional Olympian or athlete. This is why they have USA Cycling Certified Coaches, are monitored regularly and include health and wellness in their training programs. Riding a couple of times a week for exercise, fun or comradery provides considerable health benefits. It’s more than a slogan or propaganda – it’s true: Mild to moderate cycling improves brainpower and sleep, boosts immune systems, boosts sex drive and contributes directly to a healthier heart. “Studies from Purdue University in the United States have shown that regular cycling can cut your risk of heart disease by 50 percent.” “Other studies have found that women who cycle frequently reduce their risk of breast cancer by 34% (bikeradar, Matthew Barbour, May 22, 2016).
Using the major muscle groups; blood vessels, heart and lungs, cycling can reduce or control weight, stress and anxiety. Increasing the metabolism, burning fat and strengthening muscles, regular cycling as exercise lowers the risk of high blood pressure and of cardiovascular disease. Will everyone reap the same benefits from cycling? No. Genetics, smoking, drinking, environment and lifestyle play a role in the effectiveness of any exercise program.

Research in the United States has found cycling lowers the risk of diabetes, reduces the chance of certain cancers, helps to protect from strokes, heart attacks, depression and arthritis as it improves strength, coordination and balance. As with any exercise or fitness program you must listen to your body and to your primary care physician. If you are new to cycling, new to training, or need help in putting together a cycling exercise program doing a one-on-one with a cycling coach can help. Technology for cyclist has come a long way. From BIKEFIT that ensures a perfect fit to gadgets that monitor pulse, breathing, heart-rate, burn and more. It’s never too late to begin a healthy cycling program. Your heart will love you for it.

To learn more about the benefits of cycling, our BIKEFIT program, cycling computer, monitoring devices, group rides, training sessions and specialized coaching, contact me, Buster Brown at Bixby
Bicycles & Accessories.  

USA Cycling Certified Coach

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Welcome To BIKEFIT

Bixby Bicycles is excited to bring you BIKEFIT. Whether you are a seasoned rider, competitive rider or you ride for exercise and comradery, for performance and safety “the foundation for every good bicycle fit” is BIKEFIT. Let’s begin with the benefits of Cleat Wedges.

Research conducted on cyclist’s feet showed that 96% of us have forefeet that are canted or tilted up to the inside inward (“varus“) or outward toward the outside (“valgus“).  The vast majority (87%) of cyclist’s feet tilt up to the inside.  Unfortunately, almost all cycling shoes, cleats and pedals take this natural tilt and force it flat.  This can generate knee pain, create a foot “hotspot” (where the inner or outer side of the foot feels hot) and diminish your ability to generate power. Cleat Wedges® enable the cycling shoe to connect with the pedal naturally, by acknowledging the foot’s inherent angle.  This creates a neutral foot position throughout the pedaling cycle, resulting in greater comfort and power.   An illustration depicting foot and knee alignment before and after applying Cleat Wedges can be seen here


Cleat Wedges are often used in conjunction with ITS Wedges® (in-the-shoe) which provide 1.5 degree of inward canting in cycling shoes that have ample room in the forefoot area. ITS Wedges can also be used to quickly determine if inward or outward forefoot tilt or canting exists. For a 1mm leg length discrepancy (one leg is shorter than the other), we recommend “stacking” two (2) Cleat Wedges, placing two wedges on top of the each other with the thicker edges of the wedges opposite each other.

For comfort, safety and performance, make your appointment today. Call Buster Brown, Certified USA Cycling Coach at Bixby Bicycles & Accessories,  918-943-6700   

Friday, July 29, 2016


As a child I experienced the freedom you get when you are perched on a leather shell, astride a metal frame, pumping pedals gripped by a pair of my favorite shoes. With the sun in my face and the wind at my back, balanced on two wheels, steering uphill and downhill, leaning left then right, on paved streets and old dirt roads, there was a childlike exhilaration, an unexplainable devotion that continues every time I climb aboard a bicycle.
At sixteen I knew my education would not come from books, that high school graduation would be a premium and there would be no college; no long-term employment, no XYZ company and no retirement plans. Leaving home and finding my way I had two things: An enthusiasm for health and fitness and a passion for bicycles and bicycling. A series of “highs and low” were to come – and they did.
     Success starts with a desire, a vision, a dream and the certainty of adversity. Faced on a regular basis adversity fought me, threw up road blocks, stopped me in my tracks and brought me to my knees. It made me question my goals and objectives, wonder if it’s worth it and if I should quit or keep going. It crushed my ambitions and shattered my motivation yet it was the driving force that kept me cycling, kept me competing and kept me winning again and again. When you make the decision to allow adversity into your dreams, to be one of your goals, to be built into your plans, trust me -your mission will be accomplished, your goals will be achieved and your cycling dreams will soar,  
     These are the opening lines to my story, what are the opening lines to yours? Most cyclist began as a child, however today more and more adults who have never bicycled are appreciating the benefits and enjoying the ride. Bicycling has become the sport of choice for men and women nationwide. Looking for a sport with health benefits that’s easy to adapt to, bicycling offers improved balance, agility, durability and cardiovascular fitness. It builds muscle, releases stress, makes daily activities easier to accomplish and improves physical and cognitive function – and let’s not forget it’s fun! Whether you believe in global warming or not, bicycling is great for the environment. You can cycle indoors or outdoors, alone or in a group, in the city or in the country, for sport or for play. There’s road bikes, mountain bikes, cruiser bikes and BMX; Hybrid bikes, city bikes, tandem bikes and adult tricycles. You can see the world, make friends and burn calories as you achieve health and wellness.
      Joining a bicycle or riding club keeps you connected to the world of cycling; to bike trails, group rides, weekend rides, State Road Races, Time Trials, and bicycle and accessory discounts. You’ll meet people from all walks of life, build camaraderie and see and experience the world in a way you never could in a car - and the financial benefits are many. Other than savings from servicing and gassing up, most insurance companies will reduce your premiums if you’re commuting by bicycle on a daily basis.  
     As a boy I began on a yellow two-wheeler from my father’s general store. It was a means of transportation and a source of joy. At ten I would find old bicycles, stripe the good parts and make one new bicycle. I would sell it and use the money to buy slotted race cars for our TYCO Race Track. Riding to the mall and to the movies was as rewarding as racing my Mongoose around the neighborhood.  I was a kid teaching kids to ride; to adjust seats, adjust pedals, change tires, and win races. Bicycles became my world and I loved every minute of it; I love it even more today.
     We each have a story, a reason for riding. If you’re new to the sport, come see us. Bixby Bicycles and Accessories mission is to create new cyclist, and to coach and support existing and mature cyclist and racers providing quality bicycles and cutting edge products in an honest, fair, friendly and courteous buying and training environment. Educating and fostering a healthy fun method of exercise and sustainable fitness, Bixby Bicycles and Accessories promotes “One Stop, One Vision”. Learn more about me and my career in cycling at:, then visit our website and like us on Facebook,, but most of all “enjoy the ride.”

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bicycle Rage By Motorist

The weather has warmed and school is out. For cyclist and runners alike it is the season of purposeful battery, from water bottles to bear bottles, from rocks, bricks and food to stretched arms for body slaps. The crazies are out there and cyclist need to beware. The Australian Capital Territory has made it illegal to toss objects at riders, an action that is majorly overdue in the United States. Riders of all ages have been cut off by motorists, had ice thrown at them, or had drivers laying on their horns when passing. Why? The internet is full of cyclist using language which many would find inappropriate; I’ll just say “it is a cruel, cold hearted, mean act which cyclist worldwide are forced to endure.
 Cyclist have reported being harassed by business executives, taxi-drivers, mothers with children in the car and seniors driving 15 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour zone. Getting results from the police has been challenging. Most cars take off before you can secure the license plate number, and even then little action is taken against the driver. In one incident in 1999 the drunk motorist who strayed into a bike lane was free to go, however the cyclist who hit the motorist when he strayed into the bike lane was arrested. At times it seems even the authorities are against the cyclist. More than 20 states have laws requiring drivers to allow at least three feet of clearance when passing cyclist, yet these laws are rarely enforced.  
However, in Chattanooga things are changing. “Officer Simmons (a Cycling Cop) spends chunks of his day chasing down lawbreakers on his bike, showing them just how close they came to him on his bar-mounted GoPro camera and explaining the law.  Thanks to a device called the Bicyclist and Safe Monitoring Applied Radar Technology (BSMART), developed by Codaxus, LLC, Simmons knows to the inch exactly how close drivers come to him. All of the drivers who he pulls over are given educational pamphlets, and those who haven’t learned their lesson get tickets and can be sent to a 90-minute Cycling 101 class with Outdoor Chattanooga for re-education. Chattanooga’s use of the BSMART is the first for this purpose in the US, and reports indicate that the device will be making other appearances worldwide soon. ¹”
Road rage from 2004 to 2016 has doubled for drivers, motorcyclist, cyclist, runners and walkers; some cities now have Bike Accident Attorneys. Many blame it on technology and the “hurry up and get there” climate of the 21st century. Others blame it on the divisive political environment, the increase in divisive organizations and hate groups and a society of people who feel the world owes them something. “Tara Goddard at Portland State University studied the attitudes of drivers toward bicyclists and found bicycling is relatively unsafe in the United States because of drivers. Attitudes of drivers play a key role in roadway interactions between bicycles and vehicle” Reading further she like so many other researchers found that motorists think bicyclist break the law and cyclist feel that motorist break the law, when in fact, most motorist and the average solo cyclists know very little about bicycling laws. This is something we are doing our part to fix – through informative Facebook posts, Twitter posts, and our blogs.
Although a riding group recently suffered a horrible accident (while obeying the law), most riding groups know the rules, regulations and guidelines and stick to them. Riding in a group is educational, safe and lots of fun. Bixby Bicycles’ USA Certified Cycling Coach Buster Brown teaches classes on Oklahoma Bicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety and Group Riding. Until the issue of rage against cyclist is brought to the fore, groups, like single riders, like bicycle patrols, like runners and walkers, need to be careful out there.
A bike rage incident can start because a cyclist, driver, or pedestrian believes that another road user was being discourteous, breaking traffic rules, or in many cases because someone felt that their safety was being compromised by the actions of another road user. According to University of Hawaii professor of psychology Leon James, "bike rage is a common occurrence, and quite predictable", because urban commuting causes "tension, anxiety, and anger – in drivers as well as cyclists. Bike rage may also be caused by confusion about how the rules of the road apply to cyclists. In some jurisdictions, cyclists can ride on the sidewalk, whereas in other places, this is against the law. As well, in some states or provinces, cyclists have many of the same rights and responsibilities as cars; that is cyclists can ride on the road with cars (e.g., the Canadian province of Ontario, where the Highway Traffic Act classifies bikes as "vehicles"). In other places, there are restrictions on where bikes can ride. These differences in rules may lead drivers to believe that a cyclist is violating the law by cycling on a roadway, even if local laws require cyclists to be on the road.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Letting Your Child Ride A Bicycle Alone

The world around us is changing. Parents are more concerned about their children than ever. From bullies at school to social media, from unsafe parks to dangerous looking strangers, allowing a minor on the streets alone has become a hot topic of discussion. This discussion becomes especially challenging when children want to ride a bicycle to school or spend summer vacation exploring local neighborhoods.
Why have a bicycle if you can’t ride it, and why limit riding to the sidewalk or street in front of your house or a preapproved safe route around the block? A question every child, limited by parental fears is up against. The answer is a simple one for some and more challenging for others.

It makes for a pretty picture, but in reality most parents aren’t bicycling with their children.  However, many have provided safe bicycle routes by working with local bicycle shops, city planners, schools and community centers. Even police departments have gotten involved. Many cities, states and localities require a child be a certain age before being out without a parent – including riding a bicycle, yet children of all ages nationwide want the independence of riding to a local library, park, swimming pool, or to a friend’s house – especially during summer break.
Know your neighborhood and your neighbors.  Although abduction is a fear, bigger fears surround traffic and safety.  It’s easy for families living on streets with lots of children and all-knowing stay-at-home moms. Permitting young children to ride up and down the street in front of their house or to a neighbor on the same street is allowed. Children who live in high traffic areas or in neighborhoods where children are scarce and most houses empty during the day, in the eyes of the parent are more at risk.

Irrespective of the “subject matter experts” whose opinions you read in books and scan on the internet, you know your child and your community; the decision is yours to make. Keeping local ordinances and laws in mind, equip your child with guidelines, a time limit, a watch, money, identification, a list of emergency phone numbers and a cell phone if possible.  Make sure the bicycle is appropriate for the child’s age and size. A fitted helmet, proper clothing, emergency outerwear and a bottle of water is highly suggested. Bicycles break down and have flat tires. Kids get labored, overheated, distracted, challenged by a hill they thought they could conquer or the actual distance to a friend’s house.

Bixby Bicycles carries accessories, safety equipment, replacement parts and maps of bicycle trails and biking routes.  We offer introductory and advanced classes and coaching at all levels.  Whether your child is riding on sidewalks, on country roads or on busy city streets, there are rules, regulations and guidelines, for children and for adults. If they know the rules, follow the laws, are acquainted with their equipment and prepared for mishaps or emergencies they’ll enjoy the summer, enjoy the ride and you’ll feel better about letting your child ride a bicycle alone. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016


With each new year comes New Year’s Resolutions. Cyclists nationwide make promises, set goals, and chart road maps toward physical fitness, resilience, and a much longed for podium finish. The equipment is checked, unhealthy food is replaced with fruits, vegetables and protein drinks, and the clock is set for an early morning workout. Ambitions run high and this time will be different, or will it.

Over 85% of cyclist fail within the first 30 days, and 50% fail within the first 5-7 days. Setting unrealistic goals based on idealistic or guilt driven motivations leads to a lack of willpower and the mental fuel needed to succeed. A fear of failure, a lack of discipline and listening to naysayers contributes to making excuses, a defeatist attitude and eventually giving up.

These are a few ways to stay on course, remain inspired and achieve your goals. The first, and one of the most effective is investing in a coach. The right coach helps you set realistic goals based on where you are and what you want to achieve. A coach charts your strengths and weaknesses and takes into consideration the multiple aspects of your overall health, flexibility, nutrition, strength, and endurance as well as the technical and tactical aspects of cycling.  
Now your limitations. Family, home life, work schedules and lifestyle all “affect” and “effect” goals and goal setting. Poor time management is a major obstacle and obstruction to a training program. Missing training sessions, skipping rides, arriving late and leaving early indicates a lack of dedication – to your goals, your training program, your coach and most importantly to yourself. Low self-esteem, poor self-worth and an inability to prioritize often leads to poor time management. Resolutions and goals must fit into the life you’re living day to day.
Poor diets and bad nutritional choices lead to poor health. If you don’t have the stamina or energy to follow a training schedule you will fail. Listening to your body is key to fulfilling the requirements of a successful training program. If you’re pushing too hard, ignoring the signals your body is sending or putting yourself in danger you will fail. Yes, pushing yourself is a good thing. Feeling the burn is a good thing. Failure to stop or adjust in painful situations is irresponsible; the challenge is knowing when enough is enough. It is better and wiser to adjust your training program than to sustain physical damage from over-training.
You’ve set your goals, mapped your objectives, filled the refrigerator with health food and planned and scheduled your workout. You show up on time, push yourself, listen to your body and pain kicks in. The last obstacle I’ll cover is wrong or ill-fitted equipment. Training daily or two or three times a week on a bicycle that is ill-fitted to your body and body type can lead to stress, pain and injuries. The frame size, cleat placement, saddle position and handlebar reach are required measurements. Road bike fitting and bike sizing are two different things. You can use your bicycle for outdoor and indoor training, however when transitioning from outdoor elements and roadways to indoor training, consider saddle selection, saddle fit, tilt and height; handlebar positioning, height, reach, drop and rotation; Crank length, crank position, crank tilt and pedal connection. Like so many other things, bicycle gear is important. You might want to wear lighter weight clothes and different shoes for indoor training.   
Setting Goals and making resolutions is great. With dedication, responsibility discipline, patience and persistence, success can be yours. For more information on cycling, training and goal setting contact me, Buster Brown, Cycling Coach at Bixby Bicycles and Accessories.
Certified USA Cycling Coach
918-943-6700 / 479.530.9491