Friday, July 29, 2016


As a child I experienced the freedom you get when you are perched on a leather shell, astride a metal frame, pumping pedals gripped by a pair of my favorite shoes. With the sun in my face and the wind at my back, balanced on two wheels, steering uphill and downhill, leaning left then right, on paved streets and old dirt roads, there was a childlike exhilaration, an unexplainable devotion that continues every time I climb aboard a bicycle.
At sixteen I knew my education would not come from books, that high school graduation would be a premium and there would be no college; no long-term employment, no XYZ company and no retirement plans. Leaving home and finding my way I had two things: An enthusiasm for health and fitness and a passion for bicycles and bicycling. A series of “highs and low” were to come – and they did.
     Success starts with a desire, a vision, a dream and the certainty of adversity. Faced on a regular basis adversity fought me, threw up road blocks, stopped me in my tracks and brought me to my knees. It made me question my goals and objectives, wonder if it’s worth it and if I should quit or keep going. It crushed my ambitions and shattered my motivation yet it was the driving force that kept me cycling, kept me competing and kept me winning again and again. When you make the decision to allow adversity into your dreams, to be one of your goals, to be built into your plans, trust me -your mission will be accomplished, your goals will be achieved and your cycling dreams will soar,  
     These are the opening lines to my story, what are the opening lines to yours? Most cyclist began as a child, however today more and more adults who have never bicycled are appreciating the benefits and enjoying the ride. Bicycling has become the sport of choice for men and women nationwide. Looking for a sport with health benefits that’s easy to adapt to, bicycling offers improved balance, agility, durability and cardiovascular fitness. It builds muscle, releases stress, makes daily activities easier to accomplish and improves physical and cognitive function – and let’s not forget it’s fun! Whether you believe in global warming or not, bicycling is great for the environment. You can cycle indoors or outdoors, alone or in a group, in the city or in the country, for sport or for play. There’s road bikes, mountain bikes, cruiser bikes and BMX; Hybrid bikes, city bikes, tandem bikes and adult tricycles. You can see the world, make friends and burn calories as you achieve health and wellness.
      Joining a bicycle or riding club keeps you connected to the world of cycling; to bike trails, group rides, weekend rides, State Road Races, Time Trials, and bicycle and accessory discounts. You’ll meet people from all walks of life, build camaraderie and see and experience the world in a way you never could in a car - and the financial benefits are many. Other than savings from servicing and gassing up, most insurance companies will reduce your premiums if you’re commuting by bicycle on a daily basis.  
     As a boy I began on a yellow two-wheeler from my father’s general store. It was a means of transportation and a source of joy. At ten I would find old bicycles, stripe the good parts and make one new bicycle. I would sell it and use the money to buy slotted race cars for our TYCO Race Track. Riding to the mall and to the movies was as rewarding as racing my Mongoose around the neighborhood.  I was a kid teaching kids to ride; to adjust seats, adjust pedals, change tires, and win races. Bicycles became my world and I loved every minute of it; I love it even more today.
     We each have a story, a reason for riding. If you’re new to the sport, come see us. Bixby Bicycles and Accessories mission is to create new cyclist, and to coach and support existing and mature cyclist and racers providing quality bicycles and cutting edge products in an honest, fair, friendly and courteous buying and training environment. Educating and fostering a healthy fun method of exercise and sustainable fitness, Bixby Bicycles and Accessories promotes “One Stop, One Vision”. Learn more about me and my career in cycling at:, then visit our website and like us on Facebook,, but most of all “enjoy the ride.”

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