Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Get motivated, keep those resolutions, stay the course, achieve your goals! It is in every inspirational speech, in motivational books, on desk calendars, notepads and heard from parents, teachers, spouses and coaches. They all want us to “Make It Happen”, however remaining motivated isn’t easy. There are a million things standing in your way. Fast Food restaurants are everywhere, soft drinks taste good and go down easy, its been a long day, the weather is bad and its hard saying no to family and friends. 
"If you're very hungry, I can't imagine that any amount of willpower will keep you from eating a cupcake," Mark Muraven, Ph.D.


I have learned over time crafting Smart Goals for your exercise or workout program can spur motivation and inspire perseverance. In short, write it down.
Make it SPECIFIC. Determine the what, when where and why of your workout. Write it down and be specific. Choose days that fit into an existing schedule and make the time consistent. Forming a habit is easier when a pattern is developed
Make it MEASURABLE. Set daily goals and track your progress, reaching each milestone is motivational. Hire a coach to keep you moving forward – to guide and instruct when things get hard and to acknowledge and applaud your successes.

Make it ATTAINABLE.  Setting an impossible goal is setting yourself up for failure. Hire a trainer or coach who can assist you in setting reasonable attainable goals. Remember you have a life outside of training, whether for fun, exercise or racing. Sure your quest is to follow that star, however dreaming the impossible dream leads to frustration and disappointment.
Make it REALISTIC. Look at where you are now compared to where you want to be and set a realistic goals. It’s important to take work, family, obligations and leisure time into consideration, and most importantly to set goals you believe in. Convincing yourself that all things are possible, will not lead to success. Be honest with yourself and with your expectations.

Make it TIME SPECIFIC.  You are surrounded by electronics, gadgets and tools designed specifically for tracking fitness and health. Determine how long it will take you to achieve your goal. Use a tracker to set mini-goals – a specific date to start and a specific date to end. Name days of the week, hours of the day and the length of time you will be involved in each exercise. If you decide on an hour a day, do an hour a day. Building endurance slowly inspires dedication and prevents injury.
TWEAKING. Things don’t always go as planned. As you progress be prepared to tweak your goals and each component of the SMART GOAL. Life isn’t consistent and things change from day to day. If you build flexibility into your exercise or workout, you’ll find it easier to rearrange a schedule or readjust a goal.  

“There’s no shame in tweaking your goals. In fact, it shows a level of maturity
that will serve you better than the bravado so many cling to as they run themselves
into the ground.” By Craig Hill, Staff writer February 14, 2015 

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Choosing the right bicycle is just as important as choosing the right bicycle shop. With the growing popularity of bicycling in the U.S., media, print and online resources have commercialized that special bond between kids and bikes. Often however, the quality of the information you find online comes nowhere near the quantity of sites available. With the recent explosion of the bicycle market choosing a bicycle of any type for any purpose can be a daunting task. As a child your first bicycle was chosen for you, handed down to you, or magically appeared on Christmas morning, shiny and new with training wheels, streamers and a bell you could ring. Brand, shape, size and fit didn’t play into this “rite of passage”.  Making the transition from a bicycle chosen for you to one fitting your specific needs can be challenging. Choosing the right bicycle shop leads to choosing the right bicycle.

Knowing how much you want to spend is important. Bicycles range in price from hundreds of dollars to thousands, not including upkeep, maintenance, gear and accessories; then there’s the overwhelming choice of products. The right bicycle shop offers a trained, knowledgeable sales team asking the right questions, be local to the community you live in and the places you ride, have reasonable hours of operations and an approachable repair and maintenance staff.  Maintaining your bicycle is important. Whether you’re riding for pleasure, for exercise, commuting or racing, having the right bike shop repair and maintenance personnel will keep your bike riding smoothly. A good bicycle shop will quote prices, give estimates and make appointments – with pickup dates and times.

Are you riding off-road, are you riding on pavement, do you need a mountain bike, road, hybrid or commuter bike?  All important questions – easily answered on the internet, however understanding fit, testing various models, test riding, assembly, adjustments, training, access to certified coaches and the comradery of other riders will only happen in a brick and mortar store. Purchasing the wrong equipment, having a bad fit, being unprepared for weather and road conditions and the absence of proper gear and accessories can lead to discomfort, frustration and injury.

The right bicycle shop will provide personal service from a cycling professional who will explain budget (often includes more than just the bicycle), brands, fit, equipment, gears and accessories. The customer service focused bicycle shop will include individual and group training sessions, group rides, and accessories such as helmets, all weather clothing, shoes, protective wear and nutritional products.  The riders physical fitness, experience and riding goals are considered when choosing equipment, providing maps, bicycle trails, access to events and in developing a coach/rider training program.  

Fitting the person to the bicycle and not the bicycle to the person should be the mission and the goal of each customer interaction.  Specialized service, Individualized training plans, a concentration on fitness and injury prevention, coupled with a wide range of products, a knowledgeable staff, and bicycle training and coaching in a clean, safe and friendly environment makes knowing and understanding the options an easy one. Local to and invested in the community, the right bicycle shop is open to new, novice and experienced riders and racers. With the right brick and mortar bicycle shop, you’ll enjoy the experience and enjoy the ride.

BUSTER BROWN, USA Certified Cycling Coach