In writing this blog, I must assume most of you
are already riding. Posted on my social media sites, my website and my online
blog, readers and followers tend to be part of my cycling community. So why
reinforce National Bike Month to existing cyclist? Because it embodies all the
reasons I ride, coach, build, advertise, market, sell and repair bicycles. For
me it goes far beyond the economics, health and fitness benefits of cycling. I
think it is best said in snippets from my original Mission Statement: “To
create new cyclist and to coach and support existing and mature cyclist and
racers in a fair, friendly and courteous training environment. To educate the
cycling community fostering a healthy fun method of exercise and sustainable
fitness.” Yes, I’ve removed the business portions to
concentrate on my reason for reaching out to you with this blog. Bicycling is
so much more than two wheels, two pedals and a saddle. Cycling for me is a way
of life. It’s who I am and one of the reasons I get up in the morning. It’s the
social, economic and health benefits I want for you and those you care about
the most. Regardless of age, culture, economics, social status, size, weight,
health or level of wellness, bicycling can enhance your life - for many it can
be a life saver.
We live in a society where obesity and diabetes has become a major problem. A large portion of our society; children, adolescents, teens, adults and the elderly are overweight. Cycling can help, however in many communities it isn’t reaching those who need it the most. National Bike Month gives me and passionate cyclist nationwide the opportunity to expand our reach and amplify a message you’ve heard again and again: Cycling improves mobility, strengthens bones, decreases body fat and boosts flexibility. It’s good for the heart, brain, digestive system and is a great way to burn calories. Cycling brings communities together, is great for the environment, gets children out-of-doors and encourages cycling as a family.
Is National Bike Month still needed? A definite yes! Despite
cities adding bike lanes and bike trails, despite bike sharing growing by leaps
and bounds, despite biking events, rides, races and tours, large segments of
the country remain dangerous for cyclist. National Bike Month highlights the
dangers, the benefits and the needs. Bike To School Day highlights the physical,
mental, and emotional benefits of cycling to school, Ride To Work Day
highlights the benefits of two wheels over four and the CycloFemme Ride
highlights women and their place in the world of cycling. National Bike Month
sees diverse bike cultures spring up in communities nationwide.
Will the US, Tulsa County or the community of Bixby look like villages and townships in the United Kingdom? No. However, it is my hope and my deepest desire to see more of our population take advantage of a classic piece of exercise equipment which doubles as a means of transportation, a vehicle for transporting goods, a recreational vehicle, a personal mobility device used for touring and racing and for some the ideal planter. Join me in celebrating National Bike Month and the many events the city and community offers. Be safe, courtliest, respectful, supportive and demonstrate sportsmanship as you and your family enjoy the ride.
USA Certified Cycling Coach
is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and
celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National
Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and
encourage more folks to giving biking a try. Whether you bike to work or
school; ride to save money or time; pump those pedals to preserve your health
or the environment; or simply to explore your community, National Bike Month is
an opportunity to celebrate the unique power of the bicycle and the many
reasons we ride. The
League of American Bicyclist.”
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