Are you
reinforcing teaching with experience, or living in the world of, “do as I say
not as I do,” or “don’t worry about me just do as you’re told.” Both the medical and the psychological
community have proven young children adopt the attitudes, principals and
practices of their parents. They begin to change when they are offered options
outside of the home; when they are exposed to differing environments and begin
to communicate beyond the immediate family. There is a proven exception to this
rule however when it comes to exercising and physical activity, particularly in
the sport of bicycling.
a parent is bicycling for exercise, for competitive racing, or just for fun,
children who have ridden on the back of a parents bicycle, or found themselves
clutching the handlebars can’t wait to get a bicycle of their own. The Safe
Route to School website reports; In 1969, 48 percent of children 5 to 14 years of age usually
walked or bicycled to school, In 2009, 13 percent of children 5 to 14 years of
age usually walked or bicycled to school.
When parents moved to the suburbs and became dependent on
automobiles, children became dependent on parents and school buses to get to
school each day. The further out parents moved, the more dependent the family
became. The absence of sidewalks and the neighborhood school and the distance
children now had to travel coupled with concerns of safety, walking and
bicycling to school became less of an option. There are more children today who
have never been on a bicycle than ever before in the history of this country.
Yet mountain biking, commuting by bicycle and the sport of bicycling is growing
Allowing a child to bike to school –
even if you follow them in your car, gives them a sense of freedom and independence.
The simple act of allowing a child to choose the bicycle they want, the color,
the style, the sound of the bell or the size of the basket on the front or back
of the bicycle empowers independent thinking. Yes, the world can be a
frightening place and it is our job as parents to protect our children, however
riding a bicycle to school instead of being dropped off by parents or riding a
school bus has health benefits, involves decision making, stimulates learning
and is a lot of fun.
At Bixby Bicycles we offer classes
for beginning cyclist, for families interested in family bicycle tours and
bicycle checkups, fittings, safety tips, helmets, locks, accessories and maps.
We will help you find the safest route for your child to take when riding a
bicycle to school.
NOTE: “The U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services recommends that children have 60 minutes or more of physical activity
each day. If riding a bike to and from school takes a half hour each way, your
child has met this requirement without even trying. With many schools
eliminating recess, this twice-daily activity may be your child’s best hope for