Saturday, August 24, 2013


Have you heard of Bike Polo?  It seems Tulsans have. This vintage sport has seen a resurgence among young and old alike. Teams have popped up nationwide and the age group seems to vary.  It’s a tough game, not for the squeamish - be prepared for scabs, bruises and the sight of blood.
     This century old sport has found new fans world-wide and a quick Google or Bing search can bring up a team in your state, your city, your town, or your local community. The game consists of teams for three riders on concrete courts on single-speed, fixed-gear bikes. There’s a rubber ball and mallets, bike shields and  hard riding. Not for the faint of heart or the average cyclist.

“Invented in 1891, Cycle polo is a team sport to traditional  polo except that bicycles are used instead of horses. The hardcourt game has seen a sharp spike in interest as of 2007 and new teams are sprouting up across the world. Cycle polo can now be accounted for in the USA, Ireland, Switzerland, France, India, Germany, Pakistan Malaysia, SriLanka, Indonesia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, England, Scotland, Argentina, Italy, Spain, Canada, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Nepal, brazil and Cuba.”  …. Wikipedia

U.S. hard-court bike polo has more than 175 teams. And yes!  Oklahoma is well represented. There is the OKC Team in the Oklahoma City area, and Tulsa Bike Polo in the Tulsa area. Check out the websites, YouTube, Facebook pages and more. It's new, revised and many are asking, will Bike Polo be the next new Olympic Sport?

 “What do you get when you combine the low-impact aerobic workout of cycling, the challenge of a racket sport, and the camaraderie of a team sport? Bicycle Polo!”  ….

From a great source of exercise to the thrill of racing, from a source of transportation to a hard hitting game, from helping Parkinson’s patients to just riding for fun, 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cycling and Health - The Evidence

Cycling offers more than a mode of transportation, cash prizes, and winning jackets, shirts and trophies. We sell, coach cyclists and race bicycles for all of these reasons, however our primary purpose for being in this business is to provide the community with a healthy way of staying fit. Cycling is a fitness and wellness program that's all of the above, and more fun than you would ever imagine.  We've taken some excerpts from "Cycling and Health" that highlight the many benefits of cycling, from relieving back and knee pain, to improvements in the cardiovascular and immune system.  

BACK PAIN    Back pain is often the direct result of lack of exercise. This leads to a reduction in nourishment for the inter-vertebral discs. The result is that the function of the discs changes with the discs no longer able to fulfill their allotted task of supporting the required weight. However, there are three ways in which cycling can help overcome back problems. Firstly, through set physical exercise, the discs receive more nourishment which aids their development. Secondly, the large muscles in the back strengthen and develop through cycling. Lastly, cycling aids the stabilization of the individual vertebrae relative to one another. This is achieved by strengthening the 'small' muscles responsible for supporting the individual vertebrae.  

KNEE JOINTS    A general cause of knee pain is often attributed to the breakdown of cartilage. Excessive stress placed on the joint, for example by jogging, or being over weight, restrict or deny the supply of nourishment to the cartilage. Consequently the cartilage is weakened and starts to break down. The knee starts to hurt as it denied minerals essential to the cartilage. Since the cartilage has no blood vessels of its own, the transfer of minerals occurs through diffusion. Movement of the knee joint therefore encourages the nourishment of the cartilage. Cycling is one of the least stressful ways of exercising the knee joint and therefore is an excellent way of strengthening the cartilage.  

HEART & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM    The heart is our only "motor" and for this reason we should take particular care of it. Stress symptoms and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) for example have a detrimental effect on the heart resulting in high blood pressure. To get through the narrowed blood-vessels the same amount of blood has to travel faster and with fully-closed arteries a heart attack may occur. Cycling can improve the blood circulation in a large number of ways. Most importantly the heart will be working more economically because the pumping performance becomes more efficient - it leads to a drop in the overall blood pressure thus reduces the risk of heart disease.  

IMMUNE SYSTEM    Infections are one of the prime causes of absenteeism from the work place. One frequent reason is an ineffective immune system leading to allergic reactions and an inability to fight common colds. Cycling improves the quality of the immune system by allowing the body to protect itself against viruses and warding off bacteria. Consequently cycling is the most advantageous method of exercise for strengthening the immune system.

Source:  "Cycling and Health"