Thursday, June 13, 2013

Teaching Your Child To Ride A Bike

To all you dads out there removing training wheels, teaching a child to ride a bike can cause the same amount of emotional tension as teaching a teen to drive a car. Parenting isn't easy and activities that involve more than saying, "No, because I said so", can offer a real challenge. Here at LEGENDS we offer Cycling 101 for both adults and children. Having the wrong bike, the wrong fit, and for many children the wrong color or style can affect their riding experience. Buy the bike that makes his/her eyes sparkle!

Remember when all else fails there is Outsourcing! The blog TODAY MOM has an article titled: To Busy To Teach Your Child To Ride a Bike? Outsource It.  Here's a link: Whether you take on the challenge yourself, or outsource it to Mom, siblings or a professional, remember the key word is FUN!

Happy Father's Day 
Be sure to join us on Sunday, June 16, at 8:00am for our 
Father Daughter / Father Son 
Bike Ride. 

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