Thursday, November 3, 2016


Of the more than two million Americans who die every year heart disease remains the leading cause of death in men and women. The coronary heart disease epidemic began in the 1920s / 1930s in the United States and the United Kingdom. Although the 20th century saw big strides in the fight against heart disease, it remains the number one killer for people of all races, colors and ethnic backgrounds. Most people know bicycling is a great exercise but few realize how effective it is in the fight against heart disease. Cycling is one of the three activities meeting the three criteria of physical exercise; moderation, habit and a life time activity. 

CYCLING is one of the most easily adapted forms of exercise. It can be adapted to ones’ level of fitness, age, community and environment. You don’t have to be a professional rider, mountain bike aficionado or commuter cyclist to reap the benefits. The level of intensity achieved by a novice riding two to four hours a week meets the recommendation for improvement of cardio-respiratory fitness, and evidence shows people who bike as teens and young adults keep cycling throughout their lives.  

Is cycling a strenuous exercise? Yes, it can be for the professional Olympian or athlete. This is why they have USA Cycling Certified Coaches, are monitored regularly and include health and wellness in their training programs. Riding a couple of times a week for exercise, fun or comradery provides considerable health benefits. It’s more than a slogan or propaganda – it’s true: Mild to moderate cycling improves brainpower and sleep, boosts immune systems, boosts sex drive and contributes directly to a healthier heart. “Studies from Purdue University in the United States have shown that regular cycling can cut your risk of heart disease by 50 percent.” “Other studies have found that women who cycle frequently reduce their risk of breast cancer by 34% (bikeradar, Matthew Barbour, May 22, 2016).
Using the major muscle groups; blood vessels, heart and lungs, cycling can reduce or control weight, stress and anxiety. Increasing the metabolism, burning fat and strengthening muscles, regular cycling as exercise lowers the risk of high blood pressure and of cardiovascular disease. Will everyone reap the same benefits from cycling? No. Genetics, smoking, drinking, environment and lifestyle play a role in the effectiveness of any exercise program.

Research in the United States has found cycling lowers the risk of diabetes, reduces the chance of certain cancers, helps to protect from strokes, heart attacks, depression and arthritis as it improves strength, coordination and balance. As with any exercise or fitness program you must listen to your body and to your primary care physician. If you are new to cycling, new to training, or need help in putting together a cycling exercise program doing a one-on-one with a cycling coach can help. Technology for cyclist has come a long way. From BIKEFIT that ensures a perfect fit to gadgets that monitor pulse, breathing, heart-rate, burn and more. It’s never too late to begin a healthy cycling program. Your heart will love you for it.

To learn more about the benefits of cycling, our BIKEFIT program, cycling computer, monitoring devices, group rides, training sessions and specialized coaching, contact me, Buster Brown at Bixby
Bicycles & Accessories.  

USA Cycling Certified Coach